Page 542 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 542

                  Consul it was eventually chanced, the Kerman mail coming direct from Baft
                 in two days and a subsidiary service being arranged between liaft and Saidaba?
                  From April till the end of tho year no delays en route occurred worth month)
                 ing, and letters took from nine to twelve days from Baudar Abbas instead of«?'*
                  previous three to six weeks. During tho summer the Boat Office was forced b
                  lack of transport to discontinue the carriage of parcels, and an arrangomeil?
                  was made with the South Persia Rifles whereby private parcels wore carried
                  by their tri-weekly caravans by the Saidabad-Tarum route. This unsatisfactory
                  system appears recently to have been discontinued.            ™
                     British Interests.—The progress made by the Kerman Brigade, 8outh
                                               Rifles, curing the year under report
                        8cm tk Persia Rifles,
                                               be gauged by examining the following
                  statements of their strength and composition in March 1917 and March 19&
                           Kerman Brigade, South Persia Rifles only, March 1917.
                                                         British Non-
                                                  British          Persian
                               Unit.                     Officers and      Perrian othsr
                                                  Officers.        Officers.
                                                          TV arrant         Ranks.
                  1st Cavalry                         3        5      14      500
                  2nd Infantry                        2        6       11     610
                  2nd Artillerj                       1        3       3       62
                  Supply and Transport Corps          1        1               12
                  Field Ambulance .   •               1                2       26

                  Garrison Band                                1       1       21
                                      Total           8       16      31     1,281

                           Kerman Brigade, South Persia Rifles only, March 1918.

                           Unit.         , British   Non-Commis­  Persian  Persian   Total.
                                                sioned Officers
                                         Officers.        Officers.  other Banks.
                                                 and Warrant
                  1st Cavalry   .             2       6       22      508      537
                  2nd Infantry •              3       3       15      476      497
                  8tfc  n                     1       3       18      639      661
                  2nd Artillery               I       4        6      204      215
                  2nd Mounted Machine Gun     1       1        2       49      63
                  2nd Field Company Engineers.  1              2      116      117

                  Field Ambulance             3       1       10      1SS      147
                  Pack Mule Corps             1       1               195      197
                  'Veterinary Hospital        1       1        1       28       31
                  8. P. R. Camel and Donkey   1       3      •••      166      160
                    Corps, 8hjan.
                          Carried over       16       22      76     2,604    2/17

   537   538   539   540   541   542   543   544   545   546   547