Page 547 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 547
FOR TEE YEAR 1017- 29
At tho ond of July a fight was reported to have taken place at Dahi
tr rid near Minab between Mir Barkat and the men of the Minab assisted by
no of tho South Persia liifles. It is said that the Persians were defeated in
!ho fiirht aud a gun and ammunition (afterwards returned), and some military
to resell into Mir Barkat’a hands. His Excellency the Darya Begi came to
llivaban with some troops and a Aettlement was eventually arrived at. Mir
lVirkat then paid the major portion of tho taxes and complied with the con
ditions of Darya Bogi. Ho was reappointed Zabit,of Biyaban by the Persian
In September, Wali Muhammad, a British Indian subject, residing at
jjashtiari, killed a Baluchi of that place and took refuge with Mir Din
jlubammad. Several letters have been sent to. the above send the
murderer 10 Charbar for settlement of the case but without effect.
Early in October Sirdar Islam Khan left Bint for Kasserkund. At
Surkboor he was shot dead by some men of Sahib Khan’s. Ho had halted to
gay his prayers and had allowed his following to go on and was shot in the
act of remounting his horse. Islam KhaD was married to a sister of Mir
Barkat and had a son Nabi Bukhsh by her. Yahya Khan the eldest son of
Islam Khan, sent his brothers Ayub Khan, and Nabi Bukhsh to Mir Barkat
to ask assistance to revenge his father’s murder. Mir Barkat left Biyaban for
Bint with a large following towards the end of the year to take up the cause of
his relatives. Islam Khan was a strong and progressive chief aud his death is
to be regretted.
All old claims against Mir Ashraf Khan have been settled. Other claims
to the extent of Rs. 362 against the late
Sardars Saiyid Khan and Abdi Khan
vere settled during tho year.
No foreign subjects resided at the ports
Foreign subject*.
of the Mckran Coast during the year.
The following chiefs were in receipt of the telegraph subsidies during the
year :—
Name of chief. Habitat. Sons. telegraph
Mir Mustafa Khan of JWk Old Jask. Cheragh Khan, Murad Khan, 480
Dad Khuda Khan, Jalal
Khan, Beozdar Khan, Abdi
Khan, Azam Khan, and
Mir Hofci of Jask Old Jask. Mohim and Haji 3f>0
Mir Islam Khan of Bint Bint. Yahya Khan, Ayab Khan, and 600
Nahi Bukhsb Khan.
Sardar Husain Khan of Gaih Gaih. 1,000
Mir Din Muhammad of Dashti- Mirai Abdi Khan . • 500
an. Bazar.
Mir Mahmud Khan of Dasbti- Talang. Dnrra Khan, Azam Khan, 600
ari. Dilawar Kban, Sher Dil Khan,
Bahoot Khan and Ghous
Bukhsh Khan.
Mir Ashraf Khan of Bahu . Sand. Suhh&n and Peer Bukhsh 600
Mir Ahmad Khan of Bahu Runja. Shat Muhammad Khan, fTashim 400
Islama Khan..
Extra subsidies for the protection of the telegraph line were sanctioned by
toe Political Department to the above chiefs and Mir Barkat for six months
from 1st January 1917, and were renewed for another six months from 1st
The telegraph lines between Cbarbar and Jask were interrupted, owing to
*uful damage, for 49 hours during March, 70 hours during June, 28 hours
ounng August, 46 hours during November nnd 48 hours during December.