Page 548 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 548


                       The Director left Karachi on the annual tour of inspection  on the
                                                 14th November and, after visitin'®
                                                 telegr&pli stations up to Basrah, return^
                   to Karachi on the 30th Decomber. On the down journey he saw Mir
                   and Mustafa Khan at Jask; 8ardar Husain Khan and Mudat Khan ail!}
                   the representatives of Mira Mahmud Khan and Din Mohammad at Charbar ^
                       The custom of tho coast of Persian Mekran has been for the propert
                                                 rccovorea from wrecks to be divid H
                                                 between the Chief and the people of th
                   country. Endeavours are being made to induce tho Chiefs to restore
                   salved property to owners.
                       In the beginning of the year an Indian Bugla “ Qunja Ganeshpassa»»
                   belonging to Thakur Liladher Pershowtam of Bombay, when returning to
                   Bombay with a cargo of 2,000 bags of wet and dry dates, valued at Rs. 10,0oo
                   from Basrab, ran ashore at Koh-i-Mubarak. The whole cargo was looted by
                   the followers of Mirs Barkat, Mustafa and Hoti, the lion’s share went to Mir
                   Barkat. The bugla was brought to Jask by one of His Majesty’s ships and
                   afterwards towed to Muscat. A quarter of the deck gear was returned by the
                   Chiefs and sent to Muscat.
                       The report of Mr. A- Cane, who succeeded Mr. F. Pinsent, on the condition
                   of the districts between Biyaban and Bahu is enclosed.

                       Mr. C. H. 8t. John vras Clerk-in-Charge of the Telegraph Station through­
                   out the year.
                                                   The appointment of the Deputy
                            Pereira OificHii.
                                                 Governor was vacant till the end of the
                                                 year.      *
                       Mesh-hedy Abbas held charge of tho Customs throughout the year.
                       The detachment of the 83rd Wallajahabad Light Infantry was relieved
                                                 by a detachment of the 3rd Brahmans on
                          UHitarr Detachment.
                                            , the 16th July. The average monthly
                   strength of the detachment was 160 men under three British officers till the
                   end of July. 180 men under one British officer after that date.
                                                   The entire installation was removed and
                           Wireless Installation.
                                                 shipped, on the 16th August, to Lingah
                   where it has been erected.
                      Hia Excellency Vice-Admiral Sir Rossylyn Weyms, K.C.B., etc., visited
                               s                 Jask in His Majesty’s “ Euryalus.” The
                                                 other ships who occasionally visited the
                   port were " Bramble*” a Ncarchus ’* and “ Mozaffer.n
                      Mr. P. J. Hughes, Assistant Superintendent, continued to hold charge of
                  the Telegraph Station and to look after the interests of the British Indian
                  subjecta up to 3rd October, when he was relieved by Mr. P. W. Lang fro®
                   Muscat, who held charge of the station up to the end of the year.
                                                   Mirza Ibrahim Khan was in * charge   of
                            Peniaa Castes*.
                                                 the Customs throughout the year.
                      8hahdad Abbas and Yusuf Safer were the Walis of Charbar throughout
                               «                 the year acting under the orders
                                 ^               Din Muhammad and Mahmud Khan,
                      Tbe payment of Rs. 450 a month .was made by the Political Department
                  'to Din Muhammad and Mahmud Khan for the protection of the village a*
                  temporary measure.
                                                   The strength of the military detach®^
                          MUIHary DetaAmcat,
                                                 was 120 rank and file, two
                  two Indian officer*.
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