Page 554 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 554

                      In Juno a case of alleged pilferage from Messrs. Lynch Brothers' lighter,
                  was  referred by the Consulate to the Karguzar. The Karguzar tried and jpaaSd
                  judgment in the case. Two of the Nakhudas of the lighters were sontencedtn
                  10 years' imprisonment, and a Persian Tally Clerk in the employment of that
                  firm, who was also implicated, to a fino of Bb. 6,000, or in default to 2 year**
                      In June a Blockade Police Poet was established and still exists at the
                                                Bahmanshir, about 2 miles from Moham.
                           Blockade Police.
                                                mcrah. I he Post consists of two British
                  Non-Commissioned Officers, one Interpreter and six local guards arrange
                  by the 8haikh. All 6ea-going craft are stopped and searched at the post.
                      The British and Indian Convalescent Dep6ts still continue at Moham-
                                                merah. The Imperial Bank of Persia
                        Military Connleaceot DepftU.
                                                kindly offered their Accountants Besi.
                  dential quarters as a hospital, whioh offer was accepted by the Medioal
                      His Excellency the Shaikh visited both Depots during the year and was
                  greatly impressed by all that he saw.
                      It would not be out of place to mention here the two generous contribu­
                  tions made by His Excellency the Shaikh on his own behalf and on behalf of his
                  sons, Shaikh Charib and Shaikh Abdul Hamid.
                      (1)  Bs. 16,000 to the .Funds of the British Bed Cross Society.
                      (2)  Bs. 10.000 to the “ Maude Memorial Hospital " at Basrah.
                      Haji Bais also made a liberal contribution of Bs. 1,600 to the former.
                      Assistant Surgeon G. H. Lincoln held the post of Quarantine Medical
                                                Officer throughout the year. The Charit­
                          Qc&rsntise and Health.
                                                able Dispensary in the town continued to
                  be well attended. There was an outbreak of plague, in March to June, and a
                  few cases of cholera occurred during the months of October and November.
                                                  The average bazaar rate was Brans
                                                 215—220 per Bs, 100 during tho year.
                                                           C. H. LINCOLN,
                                             Mis Britannic Majesty's Acting Consul
                                                        for Asa bis tan, Zlofiacnmerah.
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