Page 558 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 558
in situ. Four additional main oil pumps, each capable of puming 10,000,000
gallons per .month at a pressure of 700 lbs. per square .inch, were also installed
The pumping station was completed in April 1917.
A fire occurred at Tembi pumping station on the 9th July owin®
to the bursting of a high pressure valve on the main discharge. The great*?
part of the old pumping station-was destroyed and the new pumps were only
saved by the extreme gallantry and self-sacrifice displayed by Messrs. Lindsay
and Still, the former of whom lost his life while engagod in turning off the oil
at the boilers. Eepairs were completed and pumping resumed within eight dayt
of the outbreak.
The Gudar Landor scheme for pumping water to the fields from the
Upper Karun had to be abandoned owing to the difficulty of procuring the
necessary material. Arrangements are being made to utilize the old 6" pij*
line from Abgunji to the Fields as a water line and to pump the water from
the Ab-i-Gargar at a point about five miles distant from AbgunjL When the
scheme is completed about 200,000 gallons of water per day will be available
at Tembi.
During 1917 the Company’s Geological staff in this district surye^ed the
Uughab and Andakha districts, also the country between the White Oil Springs
and Mamatain and the Tul Bazun area to the east of Maidan-i-Naphtun.
With a view to securing sufficient grain for their transport animals during
the next few years, the Company have leased 3,750 acres of land at Hussaina-
hid, in the Shushtar Miyanab. They have erected at Hussainabad two Steam-,
driven Centrifugal pumps, each having a capacity of 180.000 per hour, to
pump water from the Ab-i-Gargar into the old irrigation
f Attendance numbers • 6.661
Dispensary cmd Civil Hospital combined < Jfio<rr operations performed 296
Major operations perform*] 6
Great improvements have been effected in the sanitaftuii of the town, for
which the Civil Surgeon has made himself responsible.
British Post Office.
Total number of registered letters dealt with , *,476
•> » parcels , „ . 19,049
rt » 7.P.P. „ 0 , • 2,464
„ „ Money Orders issued • . 3,774
» ▼>!<* u » tt . 1,61,770-13-3
B. G. B. PEEL,
Assistant Political Officer,
for Ext Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul, Ahwas^