Page 563 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 563
With tho price of silver and the domand for dollars the price of the Maria
Ti oresa rose to an extraordinary height and caused considerable difficulties to
* crehanta. At tho opening of tho year the exchange rate was Rs. 170 to the
TOO dollars. In May it was Rs. 180 and it was reported that with the date
1 son it would touch Rs. 200, a rate which was considered prohibitive. By
July it was Rs. 212 and, at the close of the year, reached Rs. 255 making
living an impossibility for those of the poorer classes paid in rupees.
It was found necessary to give a compensation rate to the menial establish
ment of the Political Agency to enable them to exiBt.
Tho number of Sur dhows flying the
Frenoh Int-oroato.
French flag is now reduoed to 6.
There is but one French subject at Muscat, and Algerian Jew turned
Muhammadan, an ex-arms dealer, by name Ibrahim Elbaz or Guegyer.
On the loth July a Japanese ship, the “ Yeifuke Maru,” chartered by .the
French Government, with 1,200 Ammaneso labour corps on board and some 30
French troops under a French Captain and Doctor bound from Saigon for
Marseilles via Colombo and Djibouti arrived at Muscat. She had been unable
to make Djibouti in the monsoon and arrived at Muscat with no water and
but a few tons of coal left.
Owing to the sanitary conditions of the ship and, fearing an epidemic, the
political Agent decided to have the troops landed. The French Consul agreed
and a camp was pitched by the 3rd Brahmaus at Darsait, 3 miles from Muscat,
where the French troops were accommodated till the arrival of a French ship
“La Loire” on the 28th July. The troops embarked and left on the 29th
having lost 9 men with heat stroke during their stay at Muscat.
The Rev. F. Barney left for America
American Mission.
on the 10th February.
Dr. (Miss) Hosmon and Miss Button left for India on the 31sfc May.
Miss Lutton returned on the 21st September and Dr. Hosmon. on the
1st October.
The Rev. G. D. Van Peursem, formerly of Bahrain, with Mrs. Van
Peursem and three children arrived in December.
The year was not exceptionally hot except in the month : of July, the
highest temperature registered being 108°.
Climate and Health.
The rainfall was 4*14 inches.
Though there was no epidemic the health of Muscat was bad. From the
single regiment stationed in the place no fewer than nine officers were invalided
owing to fever and debility working an average of over 126 per cent.
The Postmaster was invalided and, after the close of the year, the Head
Clerk of this Agency has followed suit.
In all cases the cause has been the same and has been responsible for much
wastage among the native ranks.
Signs of hook worm have since been observed, and investigations are bein°*
made as to whether this is not responsible for a large part of the sickness. °
L. HAWORTH, Major,
Political Agent, Muscat.