Page 567 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 567
The following Government Teasels
Vi,It* of Hi* Maje*ty’a «tlpfc. visited Bahrain
\* Name of thlp. Number of Visifa.
H. M. S. m Mawffar”
„ '* Lawrence 11 6
„ "Bramble" 1
R. 1. M. S. <f Nearchna ** . 8
I. G. T S. •* Patrick Stewart” . 1
Up to February 7th there was no doctor at the Mission Hospital. Hr.
P. VV. Harrison returned from America
Araban Mission. on February 8th. He proceeded to Qatif
March 26th, returned on April 10th to help with the rush of inoculation
gainst plague and went back to Qatif on April 13th returning to Bahrain
on May 8th.
On May 27th Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Harrison, the Rev.' and Mrs. D. Dykstra,
and an Indian Nurse left for Darin, returning on July 5th. On July 9th Dr.
Harrison left for Hasa and Riyadh at the request of Bin Sa’ud to do medical
work and returned on August 11th. Dr. P. W. Harrison and the Rev. G. J.
Penoings left for Qatif on December 26th.
Colonel A. P. Trevor, Deputy Political Resident, visited in September.
Mr. E. Gunter, Director, Persian Guif
Visitor*. Telegraphs, in November and Mr. J. H.
Bill in December on his way to take up the post of Deputy Political Resident.
A large sura has been subscribed by British Indians, Persians, and Arabs
for the re-con struct ion and extension of
the Customs pier which is w’ell on its way
to completion. The work has been carried out very satisfactorily by Mr. V. T.
Maharaj, Director of Customs.
Owing to the shortage of shipping and also heavy exporting on the quiet
lo Kuwait, the prices of food and other
Fixed prices of foodstuffs.
necessaries became very high in Novem
ber. In consultation with Shaikh 'Isa the prices of all necessities of life .were
fixed and the merchants warned that, if any further wild exporting took place,
nothing would he allowed to leave the Islands except under permit. On. the
whole, the merchants co-operated well hut the question, is a difficult one as
about one-third of the goods brought to Bahrain is re-exported to the mainland ;
if goods are only available in smaller quantities than are ordinarily
imported, it will be hard to ensure the mainland getting its correct proportion.
Card indexing, fractional referencing and other labour saving devices are
being introduced into the office and
Office- efficiency.
The urgent necessity for the provision of clerks’ quarters at Bahrain has
been well demonstrated in the last quarter
Clerke’ quarter!.
. . of the year. rIhe Head Clerk’s lease
terminated and the owner of the house refused to renew it as he wished to
occupy the house himself. As soon as it was known that the Agency was lodk-
jog out for accommodation prices were put up; one small and inadequate
omiding of which the normal rent wns Rs. 15 was put up to Rs. 50 a month
I®* the owners refused to sell, though the house wns in the market- it had
previously been hoped to buy it and adapt it to 'the needs of the Head Clerk.
th.ere was B0thinS w be had at all; even before the rents were raised
gainst the Agency, no suitable house could be had at less than double the
^use allowance of Rs. 20. The question has been settled temporarily by
Rosenthal et Freres kindly consenting to sub-let hia house,
^Lhff dman y-leaTe! ocked UP> 10 016 Head Clerk on condition that he
VSatea it on receiving a telegram that any member of the firm is coming
^wluletLo WireleBs Staff are without their wires. 7 TOOm for