Page 588 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 588


                        The affairs of the Boir Ahraadi Garmsiri on the other hand took  a Bcrioui
                     turn for the worse. In April the Deputy Political Resident, while visitini
                     Behbehan, oa tour in company with Mr. Chick, was met by the two brother^
                     Nasrullnh Khan and MuzafferuJlah Khan, at Zcidun, and warmly invited to
                     visit their homo at Aru. The visit passed off very weil, and on the
                     journey the Khans came in to Behbehan, and Nasrullah Khan, for tho fbat
                     time for yenrs, paid his land revenue. Ho then insisted on coming on to
                     Buchire, ostensibly for medical treatment, but mainly for amusement. After
                     a few days at Busbirehe proceeded to Mohammerah on a visit to the Shaikh
                     and was met there by the nfcws that his brother had treacherously seized hi*
                     fort in bis absence and turned out his family. He spent the rest of the year in
                     endeavouring to regain his fort by force or intrigue, but the Bakhtiari Khan*,
                     after promising him every assistance, were bought over by his brother, and
                     nothing was done.
                         The friendly Khans were of course delighted at the course or event* in
                                                   the hinterland, and were lavish in offer*
                          Til Uiijftt D*ud confedoraoj.
                                                   of armed assistance, w hich was of course
                     not required. There were no events of importance in this tract.
                         Here also the Bushire operations produced an excellent effect, and it
                                                   became possible to post Customs official*
                         Pntwn    South of Buthire.
                                                   in several poits from which they had in
                     the past been consistently ejected.
                                                                 J. H. H. BILL,
                                                  Lcpjcy "Political Resident, Persian Gulf.
                     The 26th July 1919.

                     MEMORANDUM BY MAJOR J. McPBERSON, I.JL3               RESIDENCY
                                    SURGEON IN THE PERSIAN GULF.
                                                       During 1918 the hospital has treated
                                                   14,69 J out-patients 63 in-patienta.
                         The number of operations performed was 646, and 52 of these were in-door
                         The prevailing diseases were malaria, diseases of the eye, of the respiratory
                     system and of the digestive apparatus.
                                                       Bushire was visited by cholera and
                                                   influenza daring the year.
                         The first case* of cholera discovered here were noted on the XIth April
                     among the Turk! immigrants, some of whom had been accommodated in
                     buildings in the town. (In mid February it was reported that cholera
                     present 3 farsakha from Shiraz.) With the assistance of the Deputy Governor*
                     sick and contacts were evacuated into huts and the buildings disinfected-
                     The measures taken brought the local epidemic to a prompt termination-
                     In the middle of May the disease was reported from tho neighbourhood o*
                     Yezd, and from the. environs of Shiraz, it was - officially reported in Jvb*
                     where it attacked the South Persia Rifles. In August, cholera was stated to
                     prevail six-stages out on Che Bandar Abbas road, and quarantinemea**1**
                     against arrivals from the interior were in action until early in September.
                         Influenza arrived in Bushire on 4th October ani was responsibV® ft*
                     about 2,000 deaths. Influenza also appeared in Lingah, in November, w*®16
                     at Bandar Abbas, in July,'an illness of influenzal type was prevalent.
                         In Bandar Abbas, measles was prevalent in Spring ard later, diarrb®a»
                     dysentery and fever made the health of that town indifferent till May-
                         At Debai, in June, an epidemio which appeared to be cholera ***
                     responsible for many death*.

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