Page 592 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 592
administration report for the lingah vice-consulate
FC'11 THE YEAR 1918.
Ur. G. A. G. MunGaviu held charge of the Lingah Vice-Consulate up to
20th February, when he was relieved by
Mr. J. G. Johnstone who was still iu
charge at the end of the year.
Kohandal Khan, the Eitiwad Nizam, held charge of the Deputy Governor’s
office throughout the year.
Local official*.
Kohandal Khan, owing to illness, had to proceed to Bandar Abbas on
three occasions during the year. On two occasions Shaikh Muhammad Hasan,
the Finance Agent, acted duriug his absence.
Kohandal Khan has always shown great friendliness towards the Vice*
Consulate and works well. * The Deputy Governor performed the duties of
Karguzar during the year.
Haji Ahmed bin Yusuf Khawja continued to act as Agent for His High
ness tho Sultan of Muscat, during the
Foreign repreientatiTf*.
year. He is on friendly terms with the
Vice-Consulate and works well.
The Armenian clerk, Carnig K. Kevorkian, held charge of the Customs up .
to 20th February, when he handed over
charge to Monsieur A. Dimadis.
Relations between the Vice-Consulate and the Customs were most cordial
throughout the year.
Shaikh Muhammad Hasan held charge of the Finance Department through
out the year. He is keen and energetic in
Fiiuuice Department.
his work and has always consulted with
His Majesty’s Representative, who often checked the Finance acoounts.
Lar L tan.—Although the province of Lar was in an unsettled condition
Condition of coucfry. during the rising of the Soulet-ed-Douleh,
it enjoyed for the most part a peaceful
year. Muhammad Jaafar Khan, the late Deputy Governor of Lar, who was in
possession of the fort at Jirash and who was said to have been hand-in-glove
with the Nafar robbers, was made prisoner by Mirza Ali Muhammad Khan by
order of His. Excellenoy the Q.Tvam-ul-Mulk. His successor, Muhammad
Reza Khan, is son of Soulet-ul-Mulk, a loyal supporter of Hia Excellenoy the
Baalak.—The Nafar robbers who had been holding up and robbing the
caravans in the vicinity of Lar were punished by Satwat-ul-Mamalik, Muham
mad Reza Khan.
Shibkuh. Shaikh Sayyir murdered his uncle, Shaikh Tamimi, Shaikh of
Chah Mubarak and handed over the fort to Shaikh Abdullah bin Shaikh Hasan,
brother of Shaikh Mazkur Khan. The case ended without further trouble.
At the end of August Shaikh Allaq left Mugham for Murbakh and was
ambushed by a party under Shaikh Abdullah Obeidali. In the fighting which
oocurred Shaikh Allaq lost two of his men killed and two wounded. Parties of
the 'i arakemch Tribe assisted both the sides. Soulet-ul-Mulk, Khan of Bastak,
sent Harun Rashid Khan in order to effect a settlement between the parties
but he was unsuccessful.
Nothing of any importance occurred ia Lingah and the district through
out the year.
Liogab Town and Diitriot.