Page 597 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 597

                                     FOB THIS YBA.B 1018.
                                                 not completed at the close of the
                 The Bandar Abbaa-Korman Bond  W38
                                            yoar and from reports received by Mia
                   Bandar Abbai-Kcnnan Road.  Majesty's Representative, the prospects of
                                                            unfortunately seemed
             seeing tho completion before the ensuing summer
             ^^^o'pior^iacl' not been completed^at^tho ^end a st^irTtiogreen

                        Nklbind per.        made. Unfortunately, the site selected
             for it does not appear to have been the best, owing to scarcity of water even at
             jjio-h tides, duo to the shelving nature of the beach.
                 Twenty-seven slaves applied for manumission during the year. Out of this
                                            number 21 were manumitted. One was
                          Slaves.           transferred to Vice-Consul, Lingah, for
                                                  One was returned to his owner.
             necessary action, being from his district. _ _
             Three absconded after applying for manumission and one case was still pending
                 The South Persia Rifles (The 1st Ahmed Shahi Infantry) continued to
                                              do useful work both in Bandar Abbas
                      Sooth Persia Rifle*.
                                              itself and on the road during the year.
             The strength, towards the end of the year was diminishing rather rapidly,
             owing to the majority of men, whose time had expired, leaving the force;
             besid'es this, of course, the influenza epidemic made serious ravages on the
              various posts throughout the district.
                 (а)  The Hon’ble Major-General Sir P. Z. Cox, G C.I.E., K.C.S.I,
                                            arrived by Hired Transport on the 12th
                                            of August and left the .following after­
                 (б)  Brigadier-Ceneral Sir Percy Sykes, K.C.I.E., passed through
              Bandar Abb2s en route for Shiraz in January. He arrived on January tho
              19th and left for Shiraz on the 3rd of February. Sir Percy Sykes again
              visited Bandar Abbas on 24th December, and left for Bombay on the 29th
                 (ic) Major-General Gillman, C.S.I., Chief of the General Staff in
              Mesopotamia, accompanied by Colonel Davis of the United States Army
              arrived here on 28th March..
                 (d) Commodore David Norris, R.N., arrived on 14th March in H. M S.
              “ Northbrook ”, but did not land owing to his ship having been placed in
              quarantine by the ship’s Surgeon.
                  (<?) Captain N. F. J. Wilson, G.M.G., Director, Royal Indian Marine,
              visited Bandar Abbas on 10th ApriL
                 Mr. J. H. Bill, C.I.E., LC.S., Deputy Political Resident, Persian Gulf,
                                             visited the port on 20th January on
                  Visits of Deputy Political Resident.
                                             H. AL S. “ Muz after
                 An Epoch making event, was   the arrival of the huge Handley Pa®e
                       Boyal Air Faroe.      Aeroplane, on 6th December, carrying
                                             amongst others, Generals Salmond ant
              Borton of the Royal Air Force.

              metthS^ndlneWa8WitneSSedbythe:DePuty GovernM and all
                                                                       officials and

                                                                        °ver whi<*
              machines permanently stationed here for numfciv!^ ^ Dear fukure see

                                                    G. A. MuhGAVTN,
                             Mmtant Bctideni and Sit Britannic Majetly't Oontul.

                                                                     Bandar Abbot.
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