Page 601 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 601
„rda tlic end of the year the Toumaniantz contract,9 suspended thoprovbmi
tow 5
rintcr, was renewed and fcho system of direct control abandoned. A J .
a caf-ul-Mainalik was removed in December and it is probable, pa
^position, that Mina Aasadullah Khan Kurdistani will come as agent on
belialX of ioumamantz.
The Road Guards' (Qarasuran) Department was bold by Zahir-uI-HuZur,
nominee of Prince Nusrat-us-Sultaneh’s, .until the latter’s departure, it
then remained vacant until in September Hiahmat-ud-Dou oh made an
-treinoly satisfactory private arrangement with Sardar Nusrat a uncle, aalar
Ajufakhkliam, whereby the latter undertook the duties of the Department
without remuneration, leaving most of the budget provision of tomans *j>OW
ner month to the Governor-General Such establishment of Road Guards as is
kept up is paid for from rahdari collected—illegally of course from caravans
by tho Qarasuran themselves, from which source also the Read of the Depart
ment amply recoups himself.
The Police Department is usually kept by the Governor-General for
obvious reasons in the hands of one of his most faithful adherents, and it was
accordingly held by an ear-head farrash of Prince Nusrat-us-Sultaneh’s until
the latter’s departure. During the interregnum Masud-ul-Mulk, nephew of
the Acting Governor-General, was llais-i-Nazmieh, while Hishmafc-ud-Douleh
gave the post to one of his own Tabrizis, Ali Khan. The Police, though under
manned (the nominal strength is 100) is the best run of the Local Government
Departments and the force is on the whole surprisingly efficient. The
Assistant to the Chief of Police, Ha fat .Nizam, is chiefly responsible for
The JUvjticipnlbty (BaEadiya) Rufered a severe blow in the early spring
when the Finance Department, acting under orders from Tehran, cut down its
Ba3g*t allotment by half. Needless to say there was no corresponding reduc
tion in the Naioaqil (tax on pack-animals) or house tax, Tvhich are supposed
to be earmarked for Municipal expenditure. Tbe office of Rais-i-Baladiya
accordingly lapsed and the work has during most of tbe year been undertaken
by the Police.
District Governorships.
These posts were held as follows :—
Sirjati.—Mirza Mahmud Khan Tabatabai.
Bam and Narmashir.—Sardar Mujallal, with Nasir-ul-Mamalik acting
on his behalf from April onwards.
Aqta' Afshar.—A^af-ul-Mulk.
Rafsinfan.—Mirza Saiyid Muhammad Khan until 20th, March, Bukn-us-
Sultan 21st March— 28th October, Mustaan-nl-Mulk till the end of the y ear.1
Kuhbauan and Zcr'wL—Nosrat-us-Sultan, son of Nusrat-ul-Mamalik, head
of the Khanzada family.
Jimfl. if uhammad Taqi Khan Bakhtiari until departure of Prince
*njral-us-Sultaneh after wtrich Adl-us-SuItaneh on behalf of his father Sardar
OF 'Meh>* and Sard,, — Salar Mufakhiham (unole
Sardar Nusrat J until 5th September from which date till the end of tho
Jtanthe district was held by Adl-us-Sultan, brother of Sardar Nusrat ^
ATaafos. Mukhtar-ul-M ulk or his brother Maosur-us-Sultaueh.
Jtc udbar.—Zargbam-us-Sultaceh.
The Democrat parly in Kerman is a small one
ftrD-Pa,Sna°amt!.Sar<5arfCusmtand ‘fc*
«om-usk-Shariya, whose brother M uav id-ul-Idam i«. n»I .1. Ieader8-
^emist wirepullers at Tehran, and Aeha Y^va EZJa ^ ohief
Superintendent of Education) were th« riiSuLi i (recent,y appointed
“d-Douleh in the plot alonS "Ith ^ham-
•s- far B», hfa,;