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434                         Records of Bahrain

                  '&* //a.                        4
                                    No. 30, dulcd Dtisliiro, let Fobruary 1387.
                         1'roro Colonel 15. C. llosa, C.S.I., Political llcsidcnt in the Persian Gulf and Her
                                 Majesty's Consul-General for Furs,
                         To—Tho Secretary to the Govormnont of India, Foreign Doparlmotil.
                      With reference to certain robberies and irregularities which occurred
                  dunug the past year on the coast of El Katr, I havo tho honor to report that
                  Her Majesty s Sphinx being available, X sont Mr. Aga Muhammad Rahim,
                  the confidential News Agent of this ltosidcncy, in her to the Katr coast, with
                  instructions to visit as many of tho small ports as possible and deliver to the
                  head Shaikhs the letters referred to in paragraph 2 of my letter No. 179,
                  dated 31st December last, and also to oall at Ei Bida’a and seo Shaikh Jasim
                  bin Muhammad.
                      2. Mr. Muhammad Rahim’s deputation was with a two-fold object: (1)
                                                          the rccout piracies, and (2) tho
                   1.  K?|ioii of Ara Mulinnunml Haliiui, tinted Ifitli Jnnuarr 1887.  ill-treatment of Hindu traders
                   2.  Letter frum Chief of El Mnnnunli   „   fill,   „   „
                   3-   N i. Chief* of HI HowaIi   „   7tl*   „   „  at El Eida’a.   llo carried
                   *........................................ # of K1 Shnkik   „   Ulii   „   „
                   6. Lettfr from Juiim bin Muhammad bin Tlmiil, Uulwl 12tb  out my instructions with much
                      Jauuury 1887.                       zeal, care and ability, and
                   0. Loiter from Jaiiui bin Muhammad bln Tlmni, (luted 12tli   entirely to my satisfaction.
                      January 18H7.
                   7. Letter from Cblof of Kl Wakrah, dated 12lli January 1887.  His report is enclosed with
                   J: uuo.                                °tl»or. papers noted on tlic
                      January 1887.                       mai’glU.
                   10. Letter from llOMilency Apont. Ilnhrniu, to Ago Muh.imtiud
                      Itahiui, dnled 28th January 1867.     3. It will bcsccu that Shaikh
                                                          Jasim reiterated his denial of
                  complicity in the attack on the Hindu traders and has supported his statement
                  by a solcmu oath. In tho circumstances I would rccomiucud that his denial
                  and apology be accepted and uo further action taken against him.
                      4. As regards tho measures for suppressing the petty piracies, although
                  the replies of the several Shaikhs are as far as they go satisfactory, I cannot
                  attach much weight to them, but tho steps taken will, to somo extout,
                  encourage the well-disposed, and show we arc not indifferent in the matter.
                  Frequent patrolling of the Katr coast by our vessels may be necessary to givo
                  point to the proceedings now reported.

                  Report of Aoa Muhammad Raiiiii, Residency Confidential Agent, of his lour from Unliraiu
                     to El Katr in company with Ahmed din Audur Rasul, Residency Agent, Ouliraiu ; dated
                     IGlli January 18b7.
                      We embarkod on hoard Her Majesty’s Sphinx on the Gth January 1887,_at
                  10-30 a.m. ; the ship rowing in toAV a jolly-boat with a crew of live men.  Wo
                  also took a pilot, named llaji Husain bin Sauad, at tho request oF tho Captain,
                  At 3-45 r.M. we anchored between El Rowais and Abu-Dhaluf. Tho wind at
                  the time .boiug southerly and tho distance from the anchorago to tho shoro
                  being great and the ground rocky, tho Captain was afraid for the ship’s boat, so
                  we got down into our own boat and proceeded to Abu Dhaluf which wo reached
                  just before sunset. Wo delivered your letter to the chief of tho people of
                  Abu Dhaluf, named IChalaf bin Salim 151 Manai, in the prcsonco of a large
                  assembly, and explained to them its purport, as well as all needful particulars
                  relating to pirates, aud they were further desired to publish tho contents of the
                  letter in all thoso parts. We took a reply from them. They stated that somo
                  Rcui Hajir and El Moorrali Bedouins had come from tho interior and token
                  some of their donkeys, which they subsequently recovered. Thoy arc a small
                  community of the El Manannh tribe, about 150 men; their business is pearl
                  fishing and they get their living through the people of Bahrain aud others, ihey
                  also rcccivo presents from tho Chiefs of Bahrain. Thoy lmvo about 15 boats-
                  As the road to Rowais by sea was difficult owiug to unsettled weather ant
                  difficulty in returning to tho ship, we went by land and started at 9   •
                  ou Thursday on donkeys, taking with us six armed men from Abu Dhaluf. v o
                  arrived at Rowais at 12 r.M., and tho boat being provided with a. pilot iro
                  Abu Dhaluf, who was necessary for those waters, was also brought there,
                  got all the pcoplo hero together with their Chief and handed them your
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