Page 111 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 111
Relations with Qatar, 1881-1891 437
Thoro nro also two small towns, ono named El Jamoyl, aud tlio other
jCliowair Haasnn, on tlio north of llowais and Abu Dhaluf. Tho inhabitants
of jChownir Ilassau numbor about 300 mon, both sen-faring men and thoso who
livo in M10 dosort. Thoy have no Chief. Their pearl-fishing boats number
about 8, and thoy belong to tho El Chcbcysali.
El Jamoyl has about 00 inhabitants, liviug in 80 houses, and owning
about 12 boats.
4*4!2. Dntod 1KU Rabin Thani==Gth January 1887.
From—ICualap din Salim, Cliiof of £1 Mnimnah at Abu Dlinluf,
To—-Tho Roaidont, Poraian Gulf.
After compliments.—I have received your honoured letter, dated 3rd Itabia
Tbani and understood its contents. As regards tho commission of piracies by
tho Arabs and their disturbance of the sea, I will not aid thorn and I and my
district aro obedient to your order and, plcaso God, you will not sco from mo
wrong-doing. ___________
Dated 12th Itabia Thani=7tli Junuary 1887.
Sayyid Bkdr din Sayyid IIasium,
Sayyiu Yusuf din Salih,
From Sayyid Kualifaii ElMutoiyvta, } Chiefs of El Rowaia,
To—Tho Roeidont, Persian Gulf.
After compliments.—Wo received your letter dated 3rd Uabia Thani on
11th idom, and huvo understood your communication. As regards tho Arab
pirates and disturbance of security by soa wo will not aid them. Wo and our
distriot aro, plcaso God, obedient to you. You will not find opposition or
fniluro on our part. Wo know that tho sea is under your supervision and its
security your proviuco. Wo nro at your sorvico by the strongth aud in the pro
tection of the Almighty. ____________
•4^ //^ Dated 10th Rahia Tbani=Tlth January 1887.
From—Muhammad din Saad and Giianim din Ohankm, Chiefs of £1 Shakik,
To—Tho Rooidont, Poraiau Gulf.
After compliments.—Wo havo received your lottor, dated 3rd Rabin Thani
and understood its contents. In reply we beg to say that wo arc at your
eervico aud will opposo all Arab pirates aud never associate ourselves with
Dated 17th Itabia Tlmni=12th January 1887.
From—Jabih din Muhammad din Thani, Chief of El-Bida'n,
To—Tho Resident, Persian Gulf.
After compliments—I have received your two letters, dated 3rd and 8th
Rabin cl Akhir by tho hands of Muhammad Rahim aud Haji Ahmed with
tho enoloscd documont containing particulars of tho plundering of tho boat of
Rashid bin Hassnn Zaini. The bcarors of tho letters have also further explained
the matter to mo. I bog to suy that tho Beni Unjir who havo committed this
deed aro inhabitants of tlio desert, and havo not iu El Katr cithor connexion or
ahodo. They belong to tho district of El Uasa. I did not fail to attempt thoir
capturo, but when I heard of the occurrence I bad with mo ouly four men. I sent
two of thorn with Ali bin Abdul Aziz, but tho Beni Ilajir exceeded them in num
bers and strength. Thoy therefore presented themselves ns friends and mediators
^nd recovered the boat. The 13cni Ilajir proceeded to the desert and from that
day thoy havo not como into my power. If they do so I will enpturo them.
'Vhon thoy committed tho piracy in question thoy also took a boat by force and
wounded a man. Tho boat belonged to Ibn Budaid. The Beni Ilajir wore,
^ I understand, Ibn ol Tabniz of tho El Shallwuu and three others whoso
Guinea I liavo not heard, but thoy wero Boni Ilajir. I-sent ono of tho Beni Ilajir,
v |8 my eorvico, to follow thorn and rccovor what thoy had takon, but ho
ol'p .OV0r^00^ two of them. They wero of the El Shahwau—-ono of thorn Ibu
P* -Ubalz, and tho olhor called Muhammad. Ho ovortook thorn in tho dcsort