Page 114 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
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440 Records of Bahrain
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next morniug aud arrived off Fowoyrat at 10-40 a.m., tho wind still blowing
bard with a heavy swell. I loft Foweyrat at 2-10 i\m. and nnchorod off Bahrain
outer buoy at 8-15 i\m. and in tho harbour at 8-30 tho following morniug,
aud loft agaiu at 3 r.M. ou tho 17th.
I wish to moution that during tho timo Muhammad Rahim aud Unjeo
Ahmed of Bahrain woro on board, although thoy woro not as comfortable as
would havo been tho caso in fino wcathor, I found them oxtromoly polito and
always ready to forward their work as quiokly as possiblo, and to moot my
viowa with regard to tho movemonts of tho ship.
Dated 2Hlh January 1387.
From—Tho Residency Agent, Bahrain,
To— Aoha Muhammad Rahim.
After I arrived at El Bahrain, Ali bin Rashid, Chief of El Wakrah, camo
and reported that twonty-fivo Boni llajir with four Nacom Bedouins went to El
Bishoriyah on tho El Adaid coast, whero thoy found a Bahrain boat Ashing in a
fathom and a half of water for oystors in which pearls aro occasionally fouud.
Tho Bedouins seized the boat, aud the crew called to another boat anchored there
which camo to their aid and tho Bedouins fled. Beforo this tho Bedouins
had met an El Bida’a man and stripped him, and, it is said, wounded him. Ho
escaped and went to El Bida’a. Wlion Jasim bin Thaui heard of this, ho wroto
to Ali bin Rashid to pursuo tho Bedouins by sea. When lie was about to
start, a boat* camo from El Bishcriyah and informed him that tho Bedouins
had fled, and that tho Bahrain boat had boon rccovorcd by its crew and sailed.
Ali bin Rashid says that wlion ho arrived off El Dhahairah which is undor
Ali Abdul Azeoz, Chiof of IChor Sliakik, he saw a boat at sea in which wero
Bedouins who attacked and fired at him, and ho know them to bo Bedouin
robbers, but they did not OYertako him, and ho arrived at El Bahrain.
Cof*n>u«a'lVr laillt C.ulnl 1'fluUof IlM