Page 226 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 226
552 Records of Bahrain
howovor, may have fared hotter than thoir oxposod comrades, and I have somo
hopo of finding out moro about theso buildings boforo loaving the islands.
02. With regard to tlio positions of tho mounds tbcmsclvco, I could sco no
traco of any unity of design in tho grouping, oxccpt perhaps in ono place,
whoro four comor mounds soom to bo connootcd by a wall, and whero in tho
ccntro of tho so formed quadranglo appoars a mound of indefinite shape,
sraallor but of course analogical to the rost.
03. If I havo timo, I shall dovoto a few days to further exploration and
04j. I wroto the above some weeks ago, and havo lot it stand ns it fairly
dcsoribos tho look of tho mounds and tho conclusions (wrong in part) that I
drow at tho time.
05. Sinco writ
ing it I have opened
a small mound to
tho westward of the
f largo group, and
■......................-------------------------------------- havo. begun upon
u i I a larger one. Of
I N I the latter I will
give an account
later on. This small
one is one of many
hundreds that lio
t. y. grouped together.
It appears to be
i Jn simply a singlo
tomb, though oddly
y yy
90. It was 57
«*< paces in circumfer
i x ence, and between
nine and ten feet in
97. The centre passage was 4/ 9" high from the ground and roofed with single
slabs of rough hewn
limestone stretch
ing across about 3'
G" each. Tho width
of this passage bc-
iug three feet clear.
98. Tho height
of tho side cham
bers, which were
only 3'G" combined
with their shortness
3' 8," as well ns the
fact that I found
the skull botween
the thigh bones,
show's that the man
must havo been
•• buried in a silting