Page 38 - Records of Bahrain (2)(ii)_Neat
P. 38
364 Records of Bahrain
soutnis ;\ 4a conscription cl qui soraient originates
dc Dab rein.
: *«
Permettez-moi dc vous fnirc rcmnrqucr, M. lc
Charg6 d’Affhircs, quo ccs observations touchcnt j\
une.question do principc qui, truitcc prdcddcmmcnl
entre les, deux' Gouvernments par rcntrcmiac dc
l’Ambassado Impdriale i\ Londres, cst rdsoluc nux
yeux do la Sublime Porte. Nous nc pouvons
nujourd’hui que nous cn tenir nux conclusions dc
nos communications antdricurcs ct Musurus Pacha
vient d’etre chargd dc s’en cntrctcnir,avec lc Prin
cipal Sccrdtairc d’Elat dc Sa Majestd lc Rcinc.”
On the 22nd of the same month Musurus Pasha5 Musurus Pasha,
January 22, IS74.
communicated to Lord Granville a telegram which
he had received from his Government on the Telegraphic, January fa, 1874.
A copy of these notes were sent to the India To India Office,
February 2, 1874.
Ofiicc, on the 2nd February, 1S74, with a sugges
tion that a reply should be returned, reminding
the Turkish Ambassador that the explanations
given by the Governor-General of Bagdad as to
the circumstances under which the enlistment of the
Bahreinites wars effected had already been .accepted
by Her Majesty’s Government as satisfactory, and
that Her Majesty’s Consul-General at Bagdad had
been instructed accordingly; and staling that as
his Lordship did not consider that it would be wise
to pass over in silence the renewed claim to a right
of sovereignty over Bahrein, which was implied in
the telegram from ltaschid Pasha, lie proposes to
draw the attention of Musurus Pasha to the com
munication made to the Porte in 1.851' and 1870 Fag«* 9 «n«l 21.
distinctly stating that Her Majesty’s Government
did not admit the claim of Turkey to consider
Bahrein as a part of the Ottoman Dominions, and
that, if natives of that Island applied to British
Consuls in Turkey for protection, t he latter could not.
refuse their good ofliccs on behalf of such persons,
as'being the subjects of a Chief with whom Her
Majesty’s Government had friendly relations.
The Duke of Argyll entirely concurred in this India Office,
proposed reply. This letter has not, however, yet Fcbruary ,0’187^
been sent-off, and, since its adoption, a-copy of a
despatch: has been received addressed by Colonel
Herbert, .British Consul-General in Bagdad, to Sir Mr. Locock,^No.^20;
II. Elliot,’in which he maintains '.the right .of sons Fcl,ruary
of Buhreinites, not themselves born in Bahrein, to