Page 123 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 123


                                        NEGLECTED A KAMA                               13

              such as these bring one face to face with the religion of the
              Arab and the things fundamental in his makeup and make an
              impression on one as no other thing does.
                One other experience may likewise show the spirit of the Moslem
              and how      early that spirit is inculcated  in the youth. I          was
              sitting in   the’ shop of a Moslem  friend when a  small boy  who
              worked in  a coffee shop near by  walked            past. My friend  had
              at various  times had coffee served to me        and so I thought  that
              l would take my turn and do the same for him. I called the boy
              and told him what I wanted, but when I tried to give him the
              money, he would not accept it. My money had been defiled since
              1 was a Christian and the boy had been taught that he must not
              accept such money so my order was not Idled.
                At the final breaking of the fast, all the Moslems gathered in the
              courtyard of one of the mosques early in the morning and prayed
              in unison together and heard a sermon which was delivered by the
              •'metowah” or leader. It is an impressive sight to see them going
              dirough prayers in such a great body and their religion is again
              brought to the fore-front of all the impressions that the newcomer
              receives. All these events added to the regular routine of the live
              daily prayers and the hearing of the name of God on the lips of
               Moslems at all times even in expressing the most trivial and com­
              monplace things, impresses one more and more with the strength
              and weakness of Islam and its devotees. Then it is that one re­
              members the Gospel story of how the disciples of John came to
              Jesus and asked Him why His disciples did not fast. Jesus says.
              "Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bride­
              groom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom
               will be taken away from them and then shall they fast." We as                            cl
               Christians know that Jesus is with us and we need not fast
               and we long for the time when these people, too, may . feel that
               presence of Christ and may also have no need of fasting. And
               we  hope that the Arab may always impress the newcomer with
               |,is religion for our hope and prayer is that his religion may become the
               true religion of Jesus Christ.

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