Page 127 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 127

                                X UGl.ECTliU A KAMA                             15

       uunv as the goal of our efforts seems within reach we call a halt
     ' oil tilt; members of this station. We are weakening the base at a
       lime when it should be strengthened.
         And what shall we say of Kuweit and Auiara, where God has
       >een lit to speak to the hearts of men as in no other station in
        uiir Mission. Those men and women are finding their way from
        die darkness of Mohammedanism to the light and life of Christ.
        His church in Arabia is beginning to take shape before our eyes,
        that jewel for the crown of our King which is one day to shine
        with such resplendence. Above all things we must stand back of
        this work, but the strangling hand of imperative retrenchment has
        nut spared and the work there is to suffer too.
          And what of the schools of Basrah, those schools of which the
        denomination should be so proud, schools that are serving as
        models for a new nation, schools where the name of Christ is
        held up in the face of Mohammedan opposition. Boys and girls
        both are reached by them. Their history has been a romance, a
        alury of skillful strategy and hard fought battles, of unceasing
        ‘logged persistence and cruel overwork; a story of triumph over
        >uch obstacles as no school of our church in this country ever
        faced. And now these schools just at the beginning of an e"*i of
        Mich usefulness as llusv have never known are lu be m * rein-
        Iwrccd lull crippled. Arabs in Basrah will hear the in. /s and
        marvel at it. “The Lord is worthy of praise/1 they will say.
        "Wliat an astonishing thing."
          "And lie beheld the city and wept over it." He is weeping over
         Arabia now; over those men and women and children whom He
         loves, to whom He has given great and unusual endowments, for
         uhuiu He clied. Those children have been led astray by the most
         powerful and seductive of all the false faiths of history. And to
         ^ who are less than the least of all saints He gave this grace,
         iu proclaim unto those men and women the unsearchable riches of
         Christ- He has armed us with a message more powerful than any
         leaching of Mohammed’s. And today lie weeps for the men and
                                                                                                     • :
         ibc women and the children who are not to have that message,
         lie weeps over them, and not over them only. He weeps oyer us.

                                                                             jSS                     ■i
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