Page 189 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 189

Circling Arabia
                                                       Ki:v J. Oscar Boyd, D.D.

                                     This article appeared in the May number of the /»*/»/V Society
                                   l\ccord ami we are presenting a part of it tu our readers because
                                   we think it is so interesting that they will want to read this account
                                   ui a sympathetic lull independent eye-witness of our Statimi-   W e are
                                   icmmded how closely allied is the work of the Bible Societx with that
                                   of the Mission and that without the ready supply of the Bible in many
                                   languages little evangelism could lie carried on. I)r. Boyd is the  see-
                                   ret ary for the Arabic-Levant Agency which includes our field in the
                                   Persian iiulf area.—Lu.

                                   A'   T KAO 1 was hospitably received by a local Irak official, who
                                         couldn’t do enough for us when lie found l was a friend of hi*
                                         beloved teacher, Mr. Van Kss. And though a Mohammedan, be­
                                   seemed to tlnnk only the more of me when he learned my business.
                                     The most picturesque part of my journey was the nine-hour voyage
                                   from Lao to Kuweit by “water-boom’’—a kind of native sailing buat
                                   much like the pearl boats of the Dull. W e had a strong north wind,
                                   and scudded over the waters of the Dull under our great spread of
                                   canvas—two huge triangular sails, that first gleamed in the afternoon
                                   sunlight, then purpled as the sun set in glorv over the Arabian coast
                                   line, then loomed darkly under the starlight, while the Arab captain and
                                   crew.  their evening prayers finished, shared their rice amt mutton with
                                   me in good fellowship. And, finally, the belated moon silvered the sail*
                                   and turned the waters into magic, that explained perfectly why it wa*
                                   that old Sinbad couldn’t stay home with his wealth, but must ever be otf
                                   on new voyages down this gulf.

                                                    1>K. MYl.KK.VS lUNUAl.OW AT KTW KIT
                                     Kuweit is a nominally independent Arab state under a Hrttish_ ,wii,icai
                                               | l, was hard work ior the missionaries to get m there:
                                   IK "the '‘Arabs are very fanatical. Hut the mission is well established
                                   now.  1 lived with Dr. and Mrs. Mylrea. whom 1 had met in.Cairo; and
                                       the workings of the hospitals at their end ot the town. 1 he medial
                                   saw , i I .He a olace for itself. Unfortunately the evangelistic and
                                              it ™                   fooling. Thoy km . MM
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