Page 191 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 191

r                         misciascthd akabia                        15

                          kind the woman of Samaria came to. '!'«> this place as to many oilier
                          »uili places on the island come women of all kinds and description.
                          The well is deep hut platforms have been made leading down into it
                             they can wash their clothes without much difficulty. We >ee the
                          women walking along carrying their soiled clothing bundled together in
                          a piece of matting or carrying their water tins on their heads. Many
                          hardly able to manage their heavy burdens. Some are young girls who
                          nunc  chattering along really enjoying themselves because that is the
                          uiic time  of the day they can leave the house. They have not vet
                          entered upon the heavier duties of a married woman, so have a good
                          nine  together as they work.
                            Others come who have two or three children trudging along clinging
                          in ilicir skirts. Nicy have no one with whom to leave them mi they
                           invint mine loo. 1 lie woiiien'ii faces when we. see ihem, which is not
                          often because they keep them veiled, reveal the poverty and hardships
                           they go through. 1 he weather is enervating and with hard work, in-
                           mllicieiH food and, generally, ill health the poorer Moslem woman does
                           not have much to make life worth living for her.
                            One can never realize what real poverty is unless it is seen the way
                           we see  it here. Old, old women who by this time one would think have
                           iu«l their share of the hard work of the world, come, wet to the skin
                           *truggling along under the heavy burden of water skins. They do ihe
                           work ul an animal just to eke out a bare living. It makes our hearts
                            lie because it is due altogether to their religion.
                            \\e long for the magnetism and persuasive power of Christ as He
                           ulked with the Samaritan woman and offered her the Water of Life
                           mil she accepted it. It is offered freely to the women of Arabia but
                           they say they dare not. Their home life is nothing compared to the
                           )ionic life of a Christian and yet they say if they accept Christianity they
                           • ould he divorced from their husbands, their children taken away, cast
                           out from home and relation and if that did not bring them back they
                           probably would be killed. We Christians, cannot understand why they
                           till endure the things they do but they do and bow to Allah as the
                           Miurcc  of all things. Some of the women are even more fanatical than
                           ihc men and they know that all the hardships in their lives come be-
                           cause  uf Islam.
                            W’e pray daily that God will open their hearts and the hearts of the
                           hu.-dands so that whole families may be brought in. The men accept all
                           iiu( Christianity has to offer materially and are constantly seeking alter
                           Western things but they won’t accept that which they can get for noth­
                           ing which is of more value than great riches.
                            |‘ray (or us that we may deal with all the problems that confront u*
                           • nil patience, wisdom and love. Pray that Christianity which has been
                           icitelling Arabia for many years may soon burst forth into an abundant
                           harvest. We have heard that there are many secret believers but they
                           ^•k the courage to come out and confess Him before men. Pray
                           jof them.
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