Page 231 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 231
With the greater facilities for travel northward, westward and east
ward since the War the members of the Arabian Mission are turning to
those areas much closer to their Stations for their summer vacations.
During the past summer Dr. and Mrs. Canline have been in the Lebanon*
of Syria, also Kev. James L. Month k and Mr. George lins • Imh. Rev,
and Mrs. John Van Kss have been in Persia and Dr. and Mrs. Mylrca
have traveled southward again to the Nilgiri Hills of South India.
The following are the arrangements for the return to Arabia of the
missionaries who have been at home on furlough:
Rev. and Mrs. ti. A. Bilkert saiUd from New York, September 17th,
continuing their journey through the Mediterranean to Beirut. They
expert to travel overland by motor caravan to Baghdad.
Miss Mary C. Van Pelt sai]ed also from New York on September
17th in company wall Mr. and Mrs. Bilkert.
Rev and Mrs. F. J. Bamy sailed from New York on September 27th
continuing their journey by steamer to Bombay and thence up the
Persian Gulf to their Station.
Rev. ..ud Mrs. G. D. Van Peurscm sail from New York on October
22nd, continuing their journey Through ih«* V^c.ierranean, to Beirut
thence ov.erland to Baghdad.
Arrangements for sailing this fa.i of those recently appointed to the
Arabian Mission, Rev. R. G. Korteling and Miss Winter, and Dr. and
Mrs. Potts have been unexpectedly postponed because of circumstance*
that have arisen delaying their plans.
A book by Dr. P-.ul Harrison entitled THE ARAB AT HOME ha*
recently appeared, published by the T. Y. Crowell Co. It would be hard
»o find anyone bitter qualified than Dr. Harrison to discuss this subject
The book is beautifully illustrated and will be found of great interest i%
The October issue of THE MOSLEM WORLD is of unusual i*
terest. It might almost be called a special Arabia number, coi.Mining **
it does articles by Dr. Zwemer, Dr. Dame, Mr. Bilkert, ,.nd a b(*4
review' by Mr. Barny.