Page 263 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 263


                                  Reports have been received of the safe arrival in Arabia of Rev. and
                                Mrs. F. J. liarny, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bilkert, Miss Mary C. Van
                                l’elt and Rev. and Mrs. G. U. Van Feursem.

                                  They may be addressed al llie following stations:

                                  Rev. and Mrs. F. J. liarny, Bahrein, Persian Gulf;
                                  Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bilkert, Basrah, Mesopotamia;
                                  Miss Mar)' C. Van Pelt, Kuweit, Persian Gulf;
                                  Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Van Peursem, Maskat, Arabia.
                                  Dr. and Mrs. Cantine had the pleasure of welcoming some of these
                                returning missionaries as they passed through Baghdad on their way to
                                their respective Stations.

                                  Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Harrison welcomed a little daughter, Dorothy,
                                into their home on December 13th. Their address for the     present
                                will be Kuweit, Persian Gulf.
                                   Mrs. Sharon J. Thoms sailed from New York, January 3, 1925. She
                                is expecting to travel overland by motor caravan from Beirut to Bagh­
                                dad. Mrs. Thoms has been loaned by the Arabian Mission to the United
                                Mission in Mesopotamia to help in the establishment of a Girls’ School
                                at Baghdad, and may be addressed care American Mission, Baghdad,

                                   The Rev. S. M. Zwemer sails from New York for Cairo on the S.S,
                                 Berengaria on February 7, 1925, after having carried a strenuous pro­
                                gram of visits to Churches and Societies of the Reformed C hurch in
                                 America, Ijoth East and West. After spending two months in Cuiru, bt
                                 will proceed on a long anticipated visit to South Africa in the further
                                 study of the great Moslem problem as it relates to Christian Mission*.
                                   The Rev. and Mrs. John Van Ess and Miss Sarah L. llosmon will
                                 return to America on furlough in the Spring of 1925.

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