Page 291 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 291

“ Made in America        f i
                                                           I’. M. POTTER
                                F    RIENDS of the Arabian Mission are more accustomed tu seeing
                                      my name signed to receipts than they are to seeing it heading an
                                      article in Neglected Arabia, but I trust that this flight intru­
                                      sion into the pages of a magazine which is accustomed u>   carry
                                only the news fresh from the fields may be pardoned. To my friends   un
                                the field 1 scarce need to make apology for it must be confessed that
                                it is their failure to send in sufficient material this time that is largely
                                responsible for the intrusion. Vcrbum sup. More news from the field
                                and I disappear again from your pagen.
                                  Through my association with tlie financial side of the woik you may
                                perhaps expect from me a call for funds. 1 cannot disguise the fact
                                that l am a little alarmed at a falling off of receipts tor the Mission

                                       BEDOUIN BOYS SKI.1.1 NO WATER ON THE STREETS OF KUWEIT

                                 this year, which means a considerable deficit unless the good friends uf
                                 the Mission rally between now and April 30th. but this magazine hat
                                 not I teen accustomed to stress the financial side, as we believe that
                                 knowledge of the conditions in the field is sullicient to produce the .
                                 necessary support. This brief message, therefore, is to bring to you,
                                 attention a few incidents of the year at the Home Base, which shed a*
                                 interesting light on the character of our missionaries and the >uccc» of
                                 their efforts to win men.                         .      ltf.
                                   Only a few years ago we opened up a station in Baghdad. Within i
                                 year of the appearance of our missionaries on the scene Syuaus
                                 coming to my office and turning over sums of money to U- forwarded
                                 to their refugee friends near Baghdad, whose only address was uft<» •
                                 “Care of the American Mission, Baghdad." It is an interesting rcrt«-
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