Page 295 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 295



                                 All the members of the Arabian Mission have greatly enjoyed the
                               brief visits from Mrs. E. E. Olcott, who returned from a recent visit
                               to India through the Persian Gulf. She called at each one of the
                               stations, as also at Baghdad. Grateful references are made to the
                               pleasure received from brief visits of this unfailing friend of the
                               Arabian Mission.

                                 Several cases of serious illness have given great concern to the Arabian
                               Mission during the recent months. They were all of missionaries resid­
                               ing in Kuweit. Rev. E. E. Calverley had an attack of typhoid fever,
                               which happily was not of a very serious type and from which he is
                               reported to be recovering.
                                 Miss Jennie A. Scardefield has had a long period of illness. The last
                               report from Kuweit indicated that she was holding her own.
                                 Miss Grace O. Strang has also been seriously ill. With a view to
                               more favorable conditions she has gone to Madanapalle in the Arcot
                               Mission where she is reported as improving.
                                 Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Van Peursem and Mrs. Sharon J. Thoms have
                               arrived at their stations, Maskat and Baghdad, after short and satis­
                               factory journeys traveling from the Mediterranean to their destination
                               by the short route across the desert.
                                 Dr. and Mrs. John Van Ess plan to leave Basrah about the middle
                               of March and after making visits in Palestine and elsewhere en route,
                               they will arrive in the United States early in June.

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