Page 93 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 93

                       14                        XHGUiCTlU) ARAM.

                         “These four mixtures support the body. The pairing «»l these ele­
                       ments in the body did nut happen to the bodies of men equally hut
                       differed. Some have an increase of cold or heat with dampness or dry­
                         “These mixtures produce certain temperaments. The cause of hilous-
                       ness is because the heat is combined with too much dryness or the
                       cold is combined with too little moisture and is shown by making u
                       man move quickly both physically and mentally. He will have courage
                       and understanding and his body will be slender and he can do with u
                       small amount of sleep. If there is more heat than drvness his skin will
                       be red and if more dryness than heat, it will be purple mixed with
                        red. Lf these two elements are equally mixed it will be yellow.
                          “Sometimes in the mixture of blood there is more heat than moisture
                       or less cold than dryness and the owner of such a temperament will
                        know it by feeling good physically and morally. He will have a good
                        deal of flesh and will want much sleep. He will be lazy and of medium
                        intelligence. If there is more heat than moisture his skin will be yellow
                        and if there is more moisture than coldness it will be of a pure white
                        color like leprosy mixed with red. If the mixture is equal he will
                        have a red or fair complexion.
                          “The third temperament has to do with phlegm. If there is too
                        much cold and moisture and only a little heat and dryness, the sign
                        will be that its owner will have a bulky body, much fat, much moisture
                        and will take    much sleep, be lazy, be slow  to move, stupid in  under­
                        standing and very forgetful. If there is more  cold than moisture, hi*
                        skin will be white like leprosy and if there is more moisture than cold,
                        it will be a clear white.
                          “The fourth temperament has to do with the condition of bile. When
                        there is too much cold with dryness and too little heat with moisture,
                        il will show ilself in ils owner by languor, lie will be worried, lake
                        little sleep and have no patience with others. Unc who has such syui|h
                        toms needs a yellow purgative."
                          The above will give my readers some idea of the Aral* mind along
                        medical lines.    It is not easy for the doctor  to know just what  all \U\%
                        means or in     satisfy  the patient’s questions  as to whether hi*  trouble
                        is from too much heat or loo much cold. However, results so oftcu
                        prove that the doctor understands the case, that the patient is willing
                        to leave himself in It is hands.


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