Page 97 - Neglected Arabia Vol 1 (2)
P. 97




                          The following1 members of the Arabian Mission, who have been in             i
                       America on their furloughs during the year, are returning to the Mis­
                       sion this Kail:

                                 Rev. and Mrs. James Can tine,                                         !
                                      November 30th, New York, S. S. City til Monarcs.
                                 Rev. and Mrs. K. K. Calverlev and their children,
                                      November 30th, New York, S. S. City of Hcnares.

                                 Miss Jane A. Scardeheld,                                              f
                                      September 13th, New York, S. S. City of Lahore.

                                 Mrs. Samuel M. Zwemer (to Cairo),
                                      September 18th, New York, S. S. Patria.

                          Dr. and Mrs. William J. Moerdyk, the former a brother of Rev.
                        James E. Moerdyk of the Arabian Mission, sailed from New York,
                        September 13th, to join the Arabian Mission.

                          Miss Mary Van Pelt arrived in New York on her furlough on
                        August 1st. She will probably spend the winter at Ventnor, New Jersey.

                          Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer, after visits in England and on the Continent,
                        arrived in Cairo on or about September 5th. Mrs. Zwemer joins hint
                        in Cairo about October 1st.

                          Rev. G. I). Van Peursem has been taking the place of the Pastor of
                        the Second Reformed Church, Somerville, during the month of August
                        this Church maintaining Mr. and Mrs. Van Peursem as their mis­
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