Page 166 - DILMUN 24
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Muscat and Oman 1892 1962 transferred to Bushire and the

Oatar - 1916 1971        resident became partof the political
UAE - 1892 1971          department in the government

                         of lndia in Bombay. By 1873 he

Duties of the Residency: The became subordinate to the viceroy

political resident had at his in India until the independence

disposal naval forces with which to 1947.

suppress piracy slave trading, gun By1858BritisheastlndiaCompany

running and to enforce quarantine dissolved and it became patr of

regulations. He also could put the British Home government

landing patries and punitive ‫ﺍ‬٠ Andin 1947 to the foreign ofifce

expeditions on the Persian coast. in London.

Ln 1822 Basra Residency

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