Page 7 - Safety and health in construction
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                         In  accordance with the decision taken by the Governing Body  of  the  ILO  at  its
                     244th Session (November 1989), a meeting of experts was convened in Geneva from 12
                     to 19 March 1991 to draw up a code of practice on safety and health in construction. The
                     meeting was composed of 21  experts, seven appointed  following  consultations  with
                     governments, seven  following  consultations with the Employers'  group  and  seven
                     following  consultations  with  the Workers'  group of the Governing Body.  After

                           Experts appointed following consultations with governments:
                     Mr. J.-P. Clément, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training, Paris (France).
                     Mr. D. G. Kibara, Ministry of Labour, Nairobi (Kenya).
                     Mr. W. Kukulski, Institute for Building Technology, Warsaw (Poland).
                     Mr. S. S. Msangi, Ministry of Labour and Youth Development, Dar es Salaam (United Republic of
                     Ms. M. H. Negrão, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, São Paulo (Brazil).
                     Mr. A. Sanchez, Director, Department of Labour and Employment, Manila (Philippines).
                     Mr. H. Wong Kok Choy, Ministry of Labour, Singapore (Singapore).
                         Experts appointed following consultations with the Employers' group:
                     Mr. J. A. DeVries, Canadian Construction Association, Ottawa, Ontario (Canada).
                     Mr. H. Georget, National Union for Small and Medium Industrial Enterprises in the Niger
                         (SYNAPEMEIN), Niamey (Niger).
                     Mr. W. M. Nasr, Fana Investment and Trading Inc., Beirut (Lebanon).
                     Dr. E. J. Ríos Márquez, Uruguayan Construction League, Montevideo (Uruguay).
                     Mr.  J. Skau-Jacobsen, Associated General Contractors  of Norway,  Oslo  (Norway),  replaced  in  the
                         second  part  of  the  meeting by Mr. G. Berglund, Swedish Construction Federation, Stockholm
                     Mr. P. M. Walsh, National Authority for Health and Safety, G T Crampton Ltd., Dublin (Ireland).
                     Mr. Wan Hock Leong, Sato Kogyo Co. Ltd., Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).
                         Experts appointed following consultations with the Workers' group:
                     Mr.  T. Escorial Clemente, State Federation for Wood,  Construction  and  Related  Industries
                         (FEMCAUGT), Madrid (Spain).
                     Mr.   B.  Laguna,  Workers'  Federation  for  the  Construction  Industry  in  Venezuela
                         (FETRACONSTRUCCION), Caracas (Venezuela).
                     Mr. J. Martins, Union for Technicians and Employees in Civil Engineering, Public Works and Related
                         Industries (SETACOOP), Lisbon (Portugal).
                     Mr. A. Russ, New Zealand Building Trades Union, Wellington (New Zealand).
                     Mr. M. F. Sissoko, National Workers' Union of Mali (UNTM), Bamako (Mali).
                     Mr. N. Tobiassen, Trade Safety Council Workers' Secretariat, Copenhagen (Denmark).
                     Mr.  A.  Zverev,  Building Workers' Federation, c/o General Confederation of Soviet Trade Unions,
                         Moscow (USSR).

                         International governmental and non-governmental organisations represented:
                     World Health Organization.
                     Commission of European Communities.
                     International Organization for Standardization.
                     International Social Security Association.
                     International Organisation of Employers.
                     International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
                     World Confederation of Labour.
                     World Federation of Trade Unions.
                     International Federation of Building and Woodworkers.

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