Page 8 - Safety and health in construction
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Safety and health in construction

                examining and finalising the text, based on a draft prepared by the Office, the experts
                adopted this code.

                    The practical recommendations of this code of practice are intended for the use of
                all those, both in public and the private sectors, who have responsibility for safety and
                health in construction. The code is not intended to replace national laws or regulations or
                accepted standards. It has been drawn up with the object of providing guidance to those
                who may be engaged in the framing of  provisions  of  this  kind;  in  particular,
                governmental or other public authorities, committees,  management  or  employers'  and
                workers' organisations in this industrial sector.
                    Local circumstances and technical possibilities will determine how  far  it  is
                practicable to follow its provisions. Furthermore, these provisions should be read in the
                context of conditions in the country proposing to use this information,  the  scale  of
                operation involved and technical facilities.
                    The text of the code was approved for publication by the Governing Body of the
                ILO at its 250th Session (May-June 1991).

                Trade Unions International of Workers in the Building, Wood and Building Materials Industry.
                    ILO representatives:
                Dr. K. Kogi, Chief, Occupational Safety and Health Branch.
                Dr. J. Serbitzer, Safety Engineer, Occupational Safety and Health Branch.

                    ILO consultants:
                Mr. K. C. Gupta, Director-General, Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes,
                    Bombay (India).
                Mr. J. Hinksman, Regional Director of Field Operations, Health and Safety Executive, London (United

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