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                                                        575 Dune Rd
                                              Westhampton Beach, NY 11978
                                         WINTER CLOSING

                                                     IMPORTANT NOTICE
                                             WINTER CLOSING INFORMATION 2021,
                                   WE DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 10 OF
                                    THE CONDOMINIUM BY-LAWS WHICH STATE AS FOLLOWS:

             Because the Homes are designed for seasonal use, the Board of Managers shall arrange for the water supply to be
             shut and all plumbing lines and mechanical devices containing water to be drained winterized on Nov 1, 2021.
             (this may change  each year). This  process shall be reversed on or about April 25 -May 1  in each succeeding year.
             In the interim period the Homeowners may use their Homes, subject to e restric ons resul ng from winterizing.
             During the interim period a Homeowner will be solely responsible for arranging and paying for such services as he
             may require since no service will be provided by the Condominium.

             This year The High Dune plumbers will start Winterizing the Units on Nov.1, 2021 and they hope to finish by
             November 5, 2021.

             It is impera ve that we have access to your Unit on each day the plumber will be working. You must remove all
             items from any shelves you may have had built in the u lity closet containing the washing machine. YOU MUST

             Since specific appointments cannot be made, you must arrange to have someone present to permit entry, all day,
             on each of the days un l the work is completed. However, if no one is present to let the plumbers in, they will
             enter with the master key, without liability on our part. If you do not wish this method of entry, you must so advise
             us by Cer fied Mail received at least five (5) days in advance of closing. If you do wish this method but have either
             changed the lock cylinder or added another one, you should forward the proper key(s) to Derek Davis, and
             arrange with him to permit entry - ALL AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE.

             If they are not permi ed entry or do not have keys, the plumbers will perform only such winterizing as they are
             able to do from the outside and you will be solely responsible for arranging and paying for the remainder of the
             necessary work. You shall, further be responsible for any loss and damage to your property, and to that of the
             Condominium and of others which result from your delay in winterizing or failure to winterize. A er winterizing is
             completed, please let us know in wri ng or email by November 15 the if you note
             Once winterizing has been accomplished, we cau on you against trying to use any of the winterized items - in
             par cular the water closets. The plumbers will not be responsible if their work is interfered with in any respect.
             You should also be extremely careful to see that the circuit breaker affec ng the hot water always remains OFF
             when here is no water in the heater. If it is placed in the "ON" posi on, the element in the heater will burn out in a
             very short period and you will have to replace it at your own cost. Please turn all circuit breakers to "OFF," but do
             not have the system disconnected for the winter. This will avoid problems when we open in the spring.

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