Page 10 - hd sept 2023
P. 10



                                                 Rider To Lease

          1.  This lease is subject to all terms and condi ons of the Declara on, By-Laws, and Rules and Regula ons of the High
              Dune condominium.

          2.  This lease shall be consistent with the By-Laws and may not be modified, amended, extended or assigned without the
              prior consent in wri ng of the Board of Managers. Tenant shall not sublet the premises or allow anyone to stay
              overnight within the leased unit without the tenant being present in the premises. Each viola on shall carry a fine of
              $500 per day. The Board of Managers shall have the power to terminate this lease and/or try to bring summary
              proceedings to evict tenant in the name of the landlord in the event of default in the performance of this lease.

          3.  Tenant acknowledges receiving a copy of the By-Laws, including Rules and Regula ons of High Dune Condominium
              from the landlord. Tenant agrees to comply with the Declara on, By-Laws, and Rules and Regula ons of the High Dune

          4.  Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that the Board of Managers of High Dune condominium have the right to exercise
              any, and all remedies provided for in the Declara on, By-Laws, and Rules and Regula ons. Landlord waives all rights
              and claims of any nature whatsoever against the Board of Managers of High Dune Condominium which may arise out
              their exercise of the rights set forth in this paragraph.

          5.  Landlord acknowledges that he remains primarily liable to High Dune Condominium with respect to all the obliga ons
              of a unit owner as are set forth in the Declara on, By-Laws and Rules and Regula ons.

          6.  Tenant and landlord shall deposit a total of $6,000 with the Board of Managers as a security deposit. Of this sum,
              $3,000 is to be deposited by the tenant and $3,000 is to be deposited by the landlord. This sum shall be returned to
              tenant and landlord within 15 days a er the termina on date of this lease. The Board of Managers shall have the right
              to deduct from this security deposit the cost of any expenses incurred by the Board, in its sole discre on, in connec on
              with the tenant's or landlord's viola on of the terms of the lease, the By-Laws and the Rules and Regula ons of the
              High Dune Condominium.

          7.  Landlord agrees to reimburse the Board of Managers of high Dune Condominium at any  me during the term of this
              lease, any sums incurred by it as a result of any default by tenant under this lease. Such reimbursement shall include
              interest, costs, expenses, a orney's fees, and other charges arising out the tenant's occupancy of the unit under this

          8.  Tenant shall not permit any animal on High Dune premises or within the unit.

          9.  The unit can only be leased to one family who will consist of no more than six persons who may visit or occupy the unit
              at any  me. The tenant must be present on High Dune property and at the pool with all guests. The failure of tenant to
              adhere to this provision of the lease will carry a fine of $500 per day.

          10. The lease shall not become effec ve un l the Board of Managers indicates its approval to the tenancy subsequent to
              the required interview.

       _______________________________________(L)     _____________________________________ (T)

       ________________________________ (date)            __________________________________ (date)

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