Page 5 - Design_catalog_Assessment_Centre_Exercise_Library
P. 5
W hat are you measuring?
You need to identify the skills required to be successful in the target role.
Begin by clarifying the competencies for measuring a person’s performance
– these are the skills or behaviours required for the role you have in mind,
e.g., resilience, listening, etc.
Y Your organisation may have existing competencies for your target role and if
not, you will need to establish these before you proceed to the next step. We
suggest that you keep to a practical number of competencies, maybe around
6-8, and ensure they are clearly related to the target job role.
How do you want to measure these skills?
Working along e.g., In-Basket
Working one-to-one e.g., Roleplay
Working in a group e.g., Group Exercise
W hat level is the role?
First-Line Management
Middle Management
Executive & Senior Management
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