Page 115 - KSQ Design Book Student Life
P. 115
Colorado State University
The Foundry Dining Center
When Colorado State University renovated gathering spaces, lounge, reception desk
the existing dining center within Parmelee and office spaces within an approximate dining
Hall and Corbett Hall, they wanted to create grand total of 39,000 sq ft. The dining center
a distinctive dining destination to attract accommodates up to 650 seats with seven
students, faculty, staff, and the campus new individually-themed dining venues,
community. KSQ Design renovated spaces ultimately serving between 1,000 to 1,200
including the dining area, food venues, people per meal on average with a maximum
111 “back of the house” kitchen support areas, output of 2,300 meals per day. The Foundry 112
and the Corbett Hall front lobby. The achieved LEED Gold certification for interior
lobby encompasses the building entry, design and contruction.
ksqdesign design for student life