Page 13 - KSQ Design Book Student Life
P. 13
Reflections on Student Housing
Thomas Hier, Biddison Hier, Ltd
Designate Zones for Learning. experience. What seems clear now is that
The mantra today is that “learning happens unless and until there is a vaccine or at
everywhere” and it is acknowledged that least better ways to manage virus-related
a significant part of learning happens illnesses, social distancing of some sort will
outside the classroom. With careful remain in effect. The concept, of course,
attention to design and configuration, the cuts against so many of the things that
residential environment can and should make a residential experience special—
09 be a place that supports learning outside having a roommate, sharing community 10
the classroom—by providing spaces and spaces in residence halls, dining together,
amenities that facilitate group meetings studying together, etc. The coming years
and interactions, creative brainstorming, will challenge even the most creative
maker spaces, etc. thinkers to find ways to keep students
safe while maintaining or reinventing the
Think Beyond Housing. elements of housing and residential life
In thinking about the residential experience, that are so valuable a part of students’
do not limit this thinking to housing alone. developmental experience living in a
Because housing is just one element—an college campus community.
important one to be sure—of the entire
residential experience, think also about
the common spaces and amenities in the
surrounding neighborhood and on the
campus at large. It may be helpful to think
about a college or university as a small city
and plan for all of the attendant elements
of a city’s “living infrastructure” needed
make the campus an interesting place to
live, study and socialize.
Student Housing in a Post-COVID World.
It is too early to know the long-term
impacts of the coronavirus on the college
ksqdesign design for student life