Page 83 - Latter Stage Jeet Kune Do for Beginners
P. 83
5 Ways of Attack
1. SAA –Simple Angle Attack You now have a
thorough understanding of 'punch, ‘kick’, and
evasion. You must have a detailed education
in the fundamentals of hitting by now. The
principal reason was this: The best defense in
fighting is an aggressive defense. Each
defensive move must be accompanied by a
counter-strike. That does not mean that 'a
strong offense is the best defense.' That
overworked quotation may apply to other
activities; but it does not apply to fighting. It
does not apply when you're pitted against an
experienced opponent. You may have the best
attack in the world; but if you're an open
target-if you're a 'sitting duck'-you'll likely get
licked by the first experienced scrapper you
tackle. A direct thrust can be made when as
opponent is uncovering any line of defense. On
the next few pages the SAA techniques will be
presented to for your reference.
2. PIA – Progressive Indirect Attack is to close in
on an opponent so that he has to commit thus
bringing hand line. Progressive (to gain
distance) – use the footwork to take advantage
of this. Indirect (to gain time) do a feint to
deceive the parry of your opponent. For
execution of the attack means that for a
moment the defense of your opponent is
moving in an opposite direction.
3. ABC - Attack by Combination in each attack
we must have a coordinated length of step,
body sway and striking execution. As always
all techniques should be executed in balance
center. Each strike delivered must leave you in
position to shoot another blow. Note that the
position of your opponent, his physical