Page 34 - Art Database-2024
P. 34

Saint Peter                 Antonio de
                                                  Liberated by an             Pereda y
                                        TR-0199   Angel                       Salgado       Museo del Prado

                                                  Daniel in the               Peter Paul
                                        TR-0200   Lion's Den                  Rubens        National Gallery- DC

                                                  The Virgin as               Anthony van
                                        TR-0201   Intercessor                 Dyck          National Gallery- DC

                                                  Saint Joan of
                                                  Arc's Death at              Hermann
                                        TR-0202   the Stake                   Anton Shtilke Hermitage

                                        TR-0203   Flight Into Egypt           Carpaccio     National Gallery- DC

                                                  The Assumption              Nicolas
                                        TR-0204   of the Virgin               Poussin       National Gallery- DC
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