Page 39 - Art Database-2024
P. 39

The Peaceable
                                        TR-0229   Kingdom                     Edward Hicks National Gallery- DC

                                                                              Sanzio da
                                        TR-0230   The Holy Family             Urbino)       National Gallery- DC

                                                  The Small                   (Raffaello
                                                  Cowper                      Sanzio da
                                        TR-0231   Madonna                     Urbino)       National Gallery- DC

                                                  Ecstasy of Saint            Sebastiano
                                        TR-0232   Theresa                     Ricci         National Gallery- DC

                                                  Saint Jerome
                                        TR-0233   and the Angel               Simon Vouet National Gallery- DC

                                                  Saint Joseph
                                                  and the Christ              Clemente de
                                        TR-0234   Child                       Torres        The Hermitage
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