Page 17 - RCBCC Annual Report 2018
P. 17



               National Association for Black                                               Earl Dearing, Liason
               Veterans  (NABVETS)

               In accordance with the mission of The Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce we have
               partnered  with  NABVETS  an  organization  dedicated  to  lives  of  Veterans,  especially  Black
               Veterans. NABVETS strives to bring Veterans together under one mission
               of other Veterans. NABVETS is created by the families of Veterans who donate their time and,
               in some cases, money to improve the lives of all Veterans. NABVETS is a nationally certified
               Veterans  Service  Organization  and  a  United  States  Department  of  Veterans  Affairs  claims
               representative for the purpose of benefits and discharge upgrade services.

               Since 1969, NABVETS has provided Claims assistance to over 65,000 Veterans; winning more
               than  $69  million  in  Claims.  NABVETS  is  a  membership  organization  with  more  than  100
               chapters and over eight State Commands throughout the United States and Puerto Rico working
               in unity with the community to end homelessness, empower low-income and minority Veterans
               and  working  with  disadvantaged  youth.  Calling  attention  to  the  needs  of  homeless  and
               economically disadvantaged Veterans. NABVETS is developing affordable permanent housing
               for all low-income Veterans and non-veterans and rising to the challenge of addressing amnesty
               for Vietnam Veterans.
                  ● Providing support for youth development in the community
                  ● Provides incarcerated Veteran service
                  ● Providing  post-traumatic  stress  disorder  (PTSD)  behavioral  health  counseling  through
                      IVOCC Behavioral Health Clinic;
               NABVETS  is  operating  Veterans  United  for  Community  Services  (VUCS),  a  nationally
               acclaimed program of NABVETS that brings Veterans, today’s ‘citizen soldiers,’ to the table in
               overcoming barriers facing America’s growing population of low-income and homeless Veterans
               and the problems faced by youth. Since 1995, VUCS members have volunteered over 400,000
               hours of community service, at least 70% of these hours dedicated to working with youth.
               For more information call (951) 823-0175.

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