Page 13 - RCBCC Annual Report 2018
P. 13
Project Abstract
The Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce’s (RCBCC) I.E. SMOKE-OUT program
aims to (1) reduce the rates of smoking and secondhand (SHS) smoke exposure in the African
American/Black community in the Tri-County South Region. (2) RCBCC’s primary goals are to
work with local jurisdictions who have a widespread range of outreach with significant African
American/Black populations to assist in the adoption of a policy that would amend, restrict
and/or prohibit the sale and distribution of any mentholated cigarettes and other flavored tobacco
(including ESD) products and paraphernalia (e.g. flavored premium cigars such as little cigars,
cigarillos, hookah tobacco, e-cigarettes, and e-hookah wrappers). (3) The Chamber will adopt or
amend a policy restricting the distribution of free or low-cost tobacco (including ESD) products.
(4) We will restrict the distribution and/or redemption of coupons, coupon offers, gift
certificates, gift cards, rebate offers or other similar offers for tobacco and ESD products. (5) We
will recruit and maintain an Advisory Board of African American/Black individuals and
community organizations that will bring the voices of the diverse African American/Black
community to discuss tobacco control issues. (6) RCBCC will raise awareness within the African
American/Black community on tobacco control issues, and serve to build the capacity of other
tobacco control initiatives in the Tri-County South Region. Strategies to accomplish these goals
include recruiting and maintaining a Tri-Countywide Advisory Board of African
American/Black leaders and organizations, community members and health advocates. Together
we will conduct technical assistance and advocacy training for community partners to give
people the skills needed to advocate for themselves and their communities. We will host
educational Town Halls/Forums and information sessions on topics such as African
American/Black Health Disparities and tobacco use. RCBCC's effort to hold educational and
informative sessions with policymakers and elected officials will educate them on tobacco
control policies and conduct community outreach programs in order to build public support and
awareness for our I.E. Smoke-Out program.
1. How we impact the community?
2. How many clients served?
3. What cities serviced?
4. Community Events?
5. Other Highlights?