Page 10 - Hot Press Issue 16 January 2020
P. 10
How Sustainable is Your Club?
Sport Positive Summit a global meeting place ‘to Half a point was awarded if plans were being
support the advance towards a more sustainable developed in that area but were yet to fully
sports operation’ ( find out more here). They materialise.
compiled research into the sustainability of the 20
Premier League football clubs.
Clubs were awarded points where evidence could
be provided for their participation in the eight
sustainability scheme categories
One point was awarded per category if the club had
suitable initiatives taking place in their stadiums,
training grounds and/or offices.
Where is your team ranked?
Arsenal FC at Emirates Stadium came in 1st place
followed very closely by West Ham United at
London Stadium in second place.
Click HERE to see the full table and HERE for the
full article.
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