Page 7 - Hot Press Issue 16 January 2020
P. 7
Download the
LifeWorks app
Feel supported, connected and
rewarded wherever you are!
With the innovative LifeWorks app, you can access Download the LifeWorks app today
qualified support for your mental, physical, social and for convenient access to well-being support!
financial well-being, any time, from anywhere.
Watch for your one-time sign-up instructions to create your
- Search for resources and tools on topics ranging from
personal account on the LifeWorks platform.
family and life to health, money and work.
- Connect to information and updates through the
app’s News Feed.
- Take advantage of Perks, helping you save money on daily Share LifeWorks with your family
essentials and luxuries from top brands and retailers.
You can invite eligible dependant family members to access
What’s more, the app acts like your digital wallet card. You confidential help and advice on hundreds of topics available
can call a LifeWorks Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) on the LifeWorks platform. Simply access the LifeWorks
advisor with just one tap – toll-free, 24/7 – for expert advice, website, then under “Profile” select “Family” and “Invite
resources and referrals. Family Members”.
Call Us: 0800 169 1920
© 2019 Morneau Shepell Ltd
Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the US, and
other countries. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
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