Page 16 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 16
Always Seeking AlignmentContinued Head/Heart/Spirit
We speak of Head conveying our intellectual thoughts, Heart conveying our emotional connection and Spirit our center – our “gut instinct”. It’s powerful when all three are aligned. There are plenty of times when one steps out in front of the others. Head can take precedence when we want to leave our emotions out. Heart can take precedence when we get moved greatly by something emotional. Spirit can take precedence when we are acting on instinct. When they are aligned and working in concert, we come from a grounded and powerfully open and vulnerable place.
Knowing your Purpose keeps you moving. Your Vision keeps you focused in the selected direction.YourValuesguideyoursteps. Thesethreeelementsarecoretowhoweareand what motivates us. Be aware of their impact on your facilitation of any group or conversation. When purpose takes precedence, we are more susceptible to driving the meeting instead of facilitating it. If our vision is out of alignment with the group objective or need, we may drive to where we wish to go. If our values are not aligned with the group’s, we can feel off balance and averse to an approach or direction. When purpose/vision/values are acknowledged and aligned, we are provided a strong center from which we are better able to hear and respond to others.
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