Page 30 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 30
It can be unnerving and/or downright scary to address disruptive behavior - and when done well, it almost alway
greatly benefits the group. It's worth the risk.
When & How to Handel Distracting Behavior
Oftenfacilitatorsbecomealarmedbutdon’ttakeaction. Thebehaviorandactionsneedtobe addressed nearly immediately or as soon as it’s apparent it’s a trend and not an isolated incident. It can be initiated at a less intense or less direct level, but the group does need to witness that the facilitator recognizes what’s going on and is taking care of the group.
If the behavior doesn’t subside in an appropriate time period, or is severe in nature, the facilitator or team leader must take action to address the troublesome member's conduct in a more direct manner.
In working with this individual, your goal is to reduce, alter, or eliminate the member's undesirable behaviors without damaging their self-esteem or capability to contribute. Thus, you should never verbally scold or embarrass the individual in front of the group or even privately.
Remember there are always reasons this behavior is manifesting and as a facilitator you’re in a prime position to address the problem and thus diminish the behavior.
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