Page 31 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 31

Your first opportunity to correct troublesome behavior is during the meeting with a number of possible variations.
The key is to be direct, tactful and kind.
You may initially address the whole group and speak to the behavior in general and how it impacts the group.
You can also reference the Group Culture you have created.
You can, with kindness and transparency, address the participant in the moment.
A second option is to talk with the person candidly about the behavior in private. For example, you might approach the team member before the meeting.
A third option is to use the team's informal leaders − those members most respected for their knowledge and experience. These "leaders" can help if you ask them to tactfully intervene.
Finally, you may wish periodically to ask the team to self-analyze their development and to bring negative team behaviors to the surface for discussion.
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 A loss of trust or patience with a facilitator or leader can happen quickly if challenging participants are allowed to continue their disruptive behavior.

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