Page 36 - The ART of Facilitation
P. 36

  Examples in action:
Know It All
Individual with this behavior comments too frequently and tends to dominate discussions. They tend to be the first to speak on each issue and make statements that are confident and unbending.
Facilitator Antidotes:
Establish procedures to limit the Know It All's airtime, e.g. "Each of you will have a chance to comment two times for a total of five minutes on this issue.”
Target questions to other members by name.
Enlist them to facilitate bringing other voices into the discussion.
Use non-verbal signals, e.g. no direct eye contact, focus on another part of meeting room.
Don’t assign subgroup leadership roles to this person.
Unknown Unheard
This person won’t freely participate in discussions. Often their body language and position in the room makes them unseen. They are often observing, internally processing questions and solutions, and have a unique point of view that will benefit the group.
Facilitator Antidotes:
Be patient.
Ask participants to write their thoughts down and then ask to hear from the entire group about what they wrote down.
Use a warm-up exercise; give this person a major role.
Ask direct questions to the person on topics you know they have expertise.
Assign these people as subgroup facilitators.
Blabbling Blurter
This individual will often get off track in their remarks, miss the point, or use far- fetched examples to make a point.
Facilitator Antidotes:
Preface their remarks with, “Raj, because of time constraints, give me your short version−twenty words or less."
When they pause, say, "Thanks Deidre, and let’s get back to the agenda."
Don’t assign a subgroup leadership role to this person.
Consider making this individual a recorder, thus neutralizing the remarks.
Ask this member if you can help clarify the process or if someone in the group can help clarify the issues.
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