Page 2 - RACE HEALER Mag Volume 1 final draft
P. 2
In Transforming Racial Biases
Milagros Phillips
All humans have biases, but not all
biases have a history that is institutional
and systemic. Not all biases impact
personal and work relationships as does
race and racism. You can transform
biases and to do so, a little self-
awareness can go a long way.
1. Be aware of your own racial 6. Notice how you feel when you’re
history, we all have one. We the only person in the space that
were raised under a racial caste looks like you.
system, it could not be avoided.
7. Notice your reaction to the media,
2. Get comfortable with discomfort. and BREATHE!
Racism is an uncomfortable
subject. Let yourself BE with the 8. Notice how your body reacts when
discomfort. someone speaks with you about
3. Know your triggers. Are you
triggered by certain words, 9. Understand that you won’t always
attitudes, other’s reactions? get it right. Do your best!
4. Notice what you say to yourself 10. You may lose focus at times.
about people that look or seem Bring yourself back and keep your
different from you. eyes on the prize!
5. Challenge your assumptions.
Milagros Phillips is the creator of Race Healer Magazine.