Page 5 - RACE HEALER Mag Volume 1 final draft
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Review the strategic plan to be sure they support diversity and
inclusion. If they do not, work with the leadership to make the
necessary changes.
What do we mean by “inclusion?”
Diversity and inclusion are frequently lumped together but they
aren’t the same thing. According to an article in Harvard Busi-
ness Review, “In the context of the workplace, diversity equals
Without inclusion, however, the critical connections that attract
diverse talent encourage their participation, foster innovation, one, including new employees.
and lead to business growth won’t happen. Diversity and inclu-
sion expert Verna Myers, founder and president of Verna Myers • Employees from different cultures share ideas and resources.
Consulting Group and star of a TED Talk on overcoming bias • Diversity is visible at all levels of the organization.
puts it this way, ‘Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion • All organizational materials – including the website, mar-
is being asked to Dance.’ “ 1 keting information, and recruitment materials – reflect your
workplace’s various genders, races sexual orientations, reli-
gions, physical abilities, national origins, ages, and any other
Daniel Juday, Diversity leader and Inclusion trainer suggests
another version, “Inclusion is choosing the music.” dimensions of diversity represented among employees.
• There is a commitment to including everyone in the organi-
zation -- regardless of who they are or where they’re from.
How will you know when you have Everyone has a voice and everyone is heard.
achieved a diverse and inclusive work- To summarize, successful managers know that a diverse, inclu-
sive, and engaged workforce gives their organizations a compe-
place? titive advantage. Managers must actively seek out diverse em-
ployees, carefully introduce them into the organization and use
• There is a wide range of communication and thinking styles, the diversity of thought and experience they bring to maximize
and everyone is encouraged to share new ideas. organizational effectiveness.
• The organization casts a wide net to attract diverse job appli-
cants. 1. Laura Sherbin and Ripa Rasid, “Diversity Doesn’t Stick With-
• The work environment is friendly and welcoming to every- out Inclusion, “ Harvard Business Review, February 1, 2017.
Get to know the author
Sharon Armstrong, SHRM-CP, PHR, CMF, has more than twenty years of experience as a
career coach, trainer, and human resource consultant.
Prior to founding her referral network, Trainers and Consultants, Sharon served in various
human resource leadership positions for AARP, The Brady Center, Association of Trial Law-
yers of America, and two national law firms.
Sharon is known for her ability to listen compassionately, ask relevant questions and offer
guidance drawing on her wide-ranging knowledge of the business world.