Page 14 - Reflections_over_Akamas
P. 14
Akamas throughout the year
01 Distinguished for its colours, the 02
shortest month of the year sets the
tone for the upcoming spring.
February acquires its name from
January the Latin word februum meaning February
Indeed, February is the month
Assimilated as an emblem of to prepare for spring, bringing branched asphodel (Asphodelus
the start of the mating season, the promise of longer days. From ramosus) to name a few, as well
the coldest month of the year February until April the Cyclamen as almond trees that reminisce the
sees both migratory and persicum, the persian cyclamen higher planes of the island.
sedentary birds begin to flock as it is known in Greek, begins Insects also begin to come out to
as they aspire to pair up and to bloom in fields and in rock light, along with lizards who begin
eventually find a breeding crevices. A dominant yellow colour to come out of hibernation. As for
mate. Typical for the season prevails, offered by the flowering of agricultural activities, ploughing
are partridges who are known wild mustard, chamomile and the commences.
to walk more than fly around
the peninsula.
As the weather gets colder, the 03
careful pruning of vines and
fruit trees that dot the periphery
of the peninsula begins. March
Commonly one will come across
apple trees and plum trees.
As the weather gradually warms up, some 3000 of them in the Akamas,
Vibrant florae begin to bloom,
the first month of spring continues and can also be found in other places.
starting with anemones, daisies,
different colored varieties of the to bring visible changes to the Alongside of them grows the more
Ranunculus family (buttercups, peninsula’s landscape, with more common Tulipa agenesis.
spearworts, and water crowfoots) fruit trees and flowers blossoming. Alongside the tulips, thousands of
as well as other local and What’s unique during this time flowers and herbs find their way out
endemic flowers, while the dry however is the flowering of Akama’s of the ground, including mallows,
arid land from the arduous tulips. Three kinds of tulips! One wild sage and oregano as well as
summer slowly begins to turn of them grows only in the area; it’s crown daisies, scarlet corn poppies
vibrant and green.
the Tulipa Akamasica, otherwise and 49 species of orchids. Notably,
Once the first rains arrive, known as the tulip of Akamas, a Akamas boasts some 530 indigenous
the resilient wild artichokes red relatively short-stemmed flower, plants with over 40 plants having
(Cynara Cardunculus) drench which can only be marvelled at in been found endemic to the area.
their thirst and begin to sprout Akamas during March and April. Coincidentally, insects have also
for harvesting and cooking later Another, is endemic to the island and started to be more active and begin
on in the year.
rare in its kind, is the Tulipa Cypria, their duty to pollinate flowers, while
the Cyprus Tulip. There are only the wild artichoke begins to bloom.
270 Reflections over Akamas
270 Reflections over Akamas