Page 10 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 10

10      Contents

                Print Options: Output tab                                          564
                Print Options: Layout tab                                          566
                Imagesetting                                                       568

                Importing and Exporting                                            579
                General notes on exporting and importing                           579
                Import and Export Supported File Formats                           580
                Importing files                                                    584
                Exporting files                                                    587
                PDF Export                                                         594
                JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP export dialog overview                      613
                Other bitmaps Export dialog box                                    619

                Working with Templates                                             620
                Replacing photos                                                   620
                Adjusting a photo in its frame                                     621
                Editing photos                                                     621
                Changing colors                                                    621
                Changing text                                                      623
                Adding Pages                                                       623

                Customizing Designer Pro                                           624
                Changing the blank template document                               624
                Displaying your own icons in browser tabs: favicons                624
                Options in the Utilities menu                                      625
                General tab                                                        626
                Grid and Ruler tab                                                 630
                Internet tab                                                       631
                Mouse tab                                                          632
                Page Size tab                                                      634
                Backups Tab                                                        636
                Effects & Plug-ins tab                                             636
                Photo Editing                                                      637
                Scaling tab                                                        638
                Tune-ups tab                                                       639
                Units tab                                                          641
                View tab                                                           642
                Control bars                                                       644
                Gallery docking and undocking                                      647
                Restoring the default control bars/galleries                       647

                Menus and Keyboard Shortcuts                                       648
                Introduction                                                       648
                File menu                                                          648
                Edit menu                                                          653
                Arrange menu                                                       656
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