Page 9 - Xara Designer Pro X17
P. 9

Web Graphics and Websites                                          428
              Responsive web design                                              428
              High resolution images                                             433
              Website Toolbar                                                    434
              Creating a website                                                 434
              Using Templates, Clipart & Widgets                                 434
              Previewing Your Website                                            435
              Exporting a Website                                                436
              Web Animations                                                     437
              Web Sticky and Stretchy Objects                                    442
              Website Backgrounds                                                448
              Links, Buttons & Navigation Bars                                   453
              Layers, Mouseover (Rollover) & Pop-ups                             455
              Web Properties Dialog                                              462
              Supersites                                                         489
              Website Publishing                                                 493
              Embedding Movies, Flash And Other Widgets                          501
              Navigation Bars                                                    502
              Website Presentations                                              516
              Website Widgets                                                    527

              Animations                                                         537
              Introduction                                                       537
              Core Principles                                                    539
              Your First Animation                                               539
              Exporting a Flash File                                             541
              Exporting animations as AVI                                        542
              Creating animated GIFs                                             543
              Animation properties                                               544
              The Animation Frame Gallery                                        546
              Photos                                                             548
              Animation Frame Rate and Tween Steps                               550
              Cropping, Clipping and Animation Size                              551
              Animation Speed                                                    552
              Animation smoothness                                               554
              Rotation                                                           555
              What Xara Designer Pro X features does Flash support?              556
              Color Transforms—Animating Color Changes                           558
              URLs in Flash                                                      558
              Advanced Flash Commands                                            559

              Printing                                                           561
              Show print borders                                                 561
              Selecting and setting up a printer                                 561
              The print dialog box                                               562
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